Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fatal Error!

Phew! Horrific story time! Hold on to your seat/mouse/keyboard/whatever! So everyone should know that I am kinda into computers and technology. If you read my blog at all about a year ago you would have seen a post called Mac Daddy. This was the post where I got my new macbook, I was super excited about it! Well that macbook has served me well for the past year until this last Saturday. (*Note - I run the macbook night and day, probably push the ram too far a lot of the time). On Saturday I was copying some files to a hard drive and the transfer stalled so I tried to quit the transfer and restart it, but the macbook wasn't responding to me. So I switched it off and switched it back on, it went to the white startup screen and hung, and hung, and hung. So switched it off and back on and it went to the startup screen and hung for a minute then shut off. I was a little nervous but thought it had to be ok. So I let it sit for a few hours before I tried again, the result? Same thing happened. So I removed the battery... no help. Denise found some trouble shooting ideas for me and I tried all of them to no avail.
Finally frustrated and nervous that I was going to have to buy a new macbook and start all over I made an appointment at the genius bar, after waiting for about 30 minutes one of the geniuses plugged an external drive in and booted OS X on my machine, he said that the drive was somehow corrupted and would need to be wiped clean.
72 hours later, my drive has been backed up the hard drive wiped and OS X reinstalled, now I'm just finishing installing the last of the software that I need in order to finish some work that I am over due on. Sorry!
I share this story because of how stressed out it made me, with the car problems I just had and the wedding coming up soon, the last thing Denise and I needed was to have to shell out some major bucks for a new macbook (although Denise told me if I had to buy a new one to get a macbook pro so that we wouldn't have to worry about me overworking it (She's awesome!), so that was the drawback of me being able to fix it :D ). The macbook being fixed was an answer to our prayers, literally!
Now I've been trying to convince her since we basically saved $1700 on me not buying a new laptop that we should get a mac mini, I mean come on its only $700, thats a huge saving! :) Love you Denise! Thanks for being patient with my expensive problems! :)

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