Monday, April 5, 2010

Disney on Ice!

AJ's family was nice enough to invite us with them to Disney on Ice! Even though we are childless we definitely enjoyed it! The look on Lincoln's face was priceless when the cars came out OH MY GOSH! I love spending time with his family. OK... So... I feel like such a dork admitting this but there were the cutest little flower hats that came on top of a bag of cotton candy and I wanted one sooo bad! I resisted though.. I was not going to spend ten bucks on a flower hat that I would never use and cotton candy that would make me fat! Luckily Kenny got one (much more practical for her) so I was able to get a picture in the hat! I was so happy! It's funny that a picture in a flower hat could make me so happy! ( I may have kinda talked kenny in to getting it though)

Two with the hat cause I loved it so much!
Kenny posing she is sooooo adorable. 

1 comment:

Lynda said...

The hat is soooo you Denise! (sadly I am not kidding) :)